Service TimesSunday Service: 10am
Wednesday Prayer Meeting: 6:15pm Address6616 State Route 8
Brant Lake, NY 12815 |
A Gospel ChurchAt Horicon Baptist Church, the most important thing we believe and teach is the Gospel. The Gospel is the “Good News” of what Jesus has done to save and forgive humanity.
Why do we need saving and forgiving? Because God is good and one day He will judge all of mankind for the wrong things we have done. This is terrible news because Romans 3:23 says, "For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God's glorious standard." But here is the good news: God, being rich in mercy sent Jesus Christ to the world. Jesus was born of a virgin. He was truly God and truly man. Jesus lived a sinless life and He was the perfect sacrifice for our sins. He was nailed to a cross (as a substitute) for all who would believe in Him. On that cross when Jesus died, the wrath of God was satisfied. But the story does not end there, because three days later He rose from the dead defeating sin, death, and the devil. Now all those who turn from sin and turn to Christ and trust alone in His sacrifice will be forgiven of their sins. This is what we believe, it is the most important thing we teach, and if you have never believed this Gospel, do so today. Email:
[email protected] Phone: 518-222-4472 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 124 Brant Lake, NY 12815 Physical Address: 6616 State Route 8 Brant Lake, NY 12815 |
How can we pray for you?It's our heart's desire that we love our neighbors by praying for them. Do you have a prayer request? Submit a prayer request and our pastor will personally pray for you. Click below to submit your prayer request.
Interested in Visiting?Thinking about visiting HBC for the first time? Plan your visit now and we will connect you with a friendly host to show you around and make you feel welcome. Click below to get your visit scheduled. We can't wait to meet you!
Taylor Callen has been the pastor of Horicon Baptist since 2021. He grew up in Lafayette, Louisiana and became a Christian in 2007 at East Bayou Baptist Church.
Taylor has a Bachelor of Science in Biblical Studies from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and a Master of Divinity from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He was ordained by Emmaus Church in Kansas City, Missouri. Taylor enjoys binge-watching great shows on Netflix, hanging out around a bonfire, and spending time with his family. He and his wife, Caiti, have one daughter, Deborah Piper. Check out one of our sermons to get a feel for our church! |
1, Children in WorshipAt Horicon Baptist Church, we are eager to disciple our children and teach them from the earliest age to worship our Lord with the congregation. We welcome children of all ages into the service. We also have a cry room in the back of the church for parents to use.
2. ChildcareFor parents who want their children to receive age-specific instruction, childcare is available for kids 7 and under. Kids 3 and younger can be dropped off in the nursery before the service and Kids 4-7 will be excused from service at the beginning of the service.